

Below you will find resources to guide students as they complete their steps at NVC. 您也可以向我们提供学生的信息,以便我们直接联系他们进行跟进.


Below are some helpful resources that students will need as they complete their process.

Counselor Referral Form - Let Us Connect With Your Students!
Thank you for your referral to the Vista中心: Welcome & 招生中心!
当你和你的学生一起工作时,他们对我们的大学或入学过程有疑问, 我们鼓励您将您的学生推荐给我们,这样我们就可以与他们联系,帮助他们解决问题.
Please fill out the questions below so that we may follow up with the student. This form will be sent directly to Vista Central. 您还可以输入您的电子邮件地址,以便收到提交的副本以供记录.

We appreciate your support in helping our student navigate their higher education journey!

GPA /考试分数


西北维斯塔学院 does not require SAT, 行为, or any other standardized test scores for admissions purposes. 相反,学生将参加TSI考试,以确定数学、阅读和写作的分班目的.

然而, students who have qualifying test scores, 双重信用, AP学分, 或已经完成了大学预科课程可能有可能免除参加TSI测试. 访问我们的考试办公室网站,了解更多关于资格豁免和分数要求.




NVC不要求学生达到特定的GPA要求. Students must have simply completed either a high school diploma or GED.

转学生和以前的学生必须有良好的学术地位,才有资格入学. 在我们的网站上查看有关转学生和前学生的学术地位要求的更多信息.

Transfer Student Academic Standing


向西北远景学院提交申请只是入学过程的第一步. 在注册课程之前,学生还需要提交一些其他项目.

Below are some key items to know about the enrollment process.


Exploring Possible Pre-Majors

When students fill out their application to 西北维斯塔学院, they will be asked to select a "School" and then select a major.

“学校”将是他们的NVC学院:他们的预科专业将落在伞下. NVC's five institutes are:

  • Creative and Communication Arts
  • 健康与生物科学
  • 科学技术
  • 公共服务
  • Business and Entrepreneurship

If students are undecided about their major, 他们仍然被鼓励选择他们感兴趣或最倾向的专业,因为他们将根据他们的研究所被分配到认证学术顾问.

然而, 完全没有决定的学生可以使用“创意与传播艺术”下的“文科”选项作为一般学位计划,他们可以遵循完成基础课程,直到他们确定一个专业.

View the 注册步骤

Explore Majors and Career Options


Complying With 细菌性脑膜炎 Requirements

德克萨斯州法律要求所有22岁以下的学生提交适当的文件,证明他们在五年内接种了细菌性脑膜炎疫苗. Alternatively, students can submit waivers to be exempted from the vaccination. Students and parents should carefully consider all options before making their decisions.

Learn more about the law, vaccination options, and exemptions on our website.

View 细菌性脑膜炎 Requirements


Attending New Student Orientation and Registering For Classes

The most exciting part of the enrollment process is registering for classes! Students are always excited to be able to pick out and sign up for their classes.

First Time In 大学 Students
Once students have completed all of their enrollment steps, they'll be eligible to sign up for New Student Orientation, 他们将在哪里与注册学术顾问见面并注册第一学期的课程. This orientation is mandatory, and the purpose is to introduce students to the concept of a certified advisor, teach them how to register for classes, and help them select the courses they'll need to get started on their degree plan.

Instead of a face-to-face orientation, 转学生和前学生将完成一个简短的在线指导,这将为他们与认证学术顾问的第一次会面做好准备. 该顾问将帮助他们回顾以前学校的学分,帮助学生了解学分如何转换. 然后,他们将帮助学生选择他们想要的专业和/或转学机构的课程, depending on the student's goals.


Below are resources to help students with options to pay for their tuition and fees. Please click each link to learn more about each option.


奖学金 自掏腰包支付学费
FAFSA澳门正规博彩十大排行平台程序 注册的最后期限
退伍军人福利 付款的最后期限
现役军人福利 学费和杂费

Through our 大学连接 program, 我们的招生团队与许多当地高中合作,提供大学入学机会和知名度, assist students with submitting their 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台 Texas applications, and help students to complete their enrollment steps.

访问 the website for our Recruitment team to learn more about:

  • Partner 圣安东尼奥-area high schools
  • 大学博览会活动
  • 家长工作坊
  • 高中访问日期


Recruitment Team / 大学连接


We know that for many students, 大学生活中最令人兴奋的部分之一就是报名参加课程并计划他们的学位.

雷士的所有学生都将有一个指定的认证学术顾问,帮助他们了解他们的学位计划和注册课程. 然而, 许多学生喜欢先探索学位机会,以便更好地了解学位可能提供的课程类型.

Below are resources students can utilize to explore possible pre-majors, 了解职业选择, and review transfer degree plans.


Explore the NVC Institutes Review Transfer 建议 Guides
浏览NVC预专业 拜访职业教练

我们鼓励学生和他们的家人来我们学校参观校园,了解雷士公司所提供的更多信息. Connect with us through a variety of on-campus events, such as:

  • 校园导览
  • 开放日预览活动
  • Walk-in admissions and enrollment assistance


View NVC's Campus 访问 Opportunities